Welcome to Columbus, Ohio’s destination for the BEST custom spray tans since 2009!

The GLOW Experience
We specialize in the art and science of sunless tanning. Glow uses only the finest premium tanning solutions, infused with natural + organic ingredients, anti-aging and rich antioxidants that nourish and replenish the skin.
Each session includes consultation, pre-tan skin prep when indicated, soothing warm air dry, moisture wicking powder, and hand and foot detail. Your tanning solution is selected and customized to your individual skin type and desired level of color.
With our signature GLOW technique, your tan is applied with precision and attention to detail, giving you consistent, flawless results each and every time. You’ll leave looking and feeling more confident and glowing!
Infused with Natural and
Organic Ingredients
Vegan & Cruelty Free
Paraben, Sulfate, Soy, and
Gluten Free

Spray Tan Services
Rinse in 10+ hours or leave on overnight. Select light, medium, or dark
Includes skin prep, drying
powder, hand + foot detail
Discount packages available
Rinse in 2-6 hours. Rinse time determines level of color
Includes skin prep, drying
powder, hand + foot detail
Discount packages available

Let’s Get Glowing!
Follow these steps for best resuts…
Pre-Tan Care
Tanning for a special occasion or trip? Schedule all other beauty services, such as manis and pedis, BEFORE your spray tan session. Waxing and facials are recommended at least 24-48 hours prior.
EXFOLIATE! Exfoliation is key to achieving a flawless tan. Use exfoliating gloves/mitt or washcloth and a basic translucent body wash. Exfoliate after you shampoo and condition your hair.
Avoid bar soaps, oil-based products, and ultra-moisturizing body washes, such as Dove and Oil of Olay, as they tend to leave a film on the skin that can affect absorption and development of the tan.
Shave using a razor without moisturizing strips as they can leave residue on the skin.
Avoid showering right before your appt. You may shower, shave, exfoliate the day before or at least a few hours before your spray tan.
When you arrive to your appointment, skin should be clean, dry and free of heavy oils, perfume, sweat, deodorant, and make-up. If unable to properly prepare for your session, pre-tan skin prep is available to cleanse the skin at no extra cost.
Be prepared! Pack or wear dark, loose fitting clothes to wear after your spray tan. If rain is in the forecast, bring an umbrella and wear clothing to cover and protect your tan.
Post-Tan Care
While your tan is developing, avoid sweating and contact with water. Continue wearing loose fitting clothes. Avoid crossing your legs, rubbing or scratching your skin.
During your first post-tan shower, it’s best to warm water rinse only- no soap or body wash.
Avoid taking long, hot showers and baths. Take quick, lukewarm showers using your hands and a gentle body wash… no loofas or body scrubs. Soaping only the “essentials” can also help your tan last longer. Always pat dry with a towel… do not rub dry!
Wear sunscreen! Spray tanning does not protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
When swimming, limit your time in the water to quick dips to 5-15 minute increments. Extended periods of time in the water may cause uneven, premature fading.
Avoid hot tubs or saunas as they can dramatically fade your tan.
Do not use products that contain alpha/beta hydroxy acids, retinoids, lighteners and brighteners, acne products, etc. as they can cause premature fading and patchiness.
MOISTURIZE 1-2x DAILY! Moisturizing is essential for a long lasting, even-fading tan. A gradual tan product is also a great way to extend your sunless tan.